Monday, March 23, 2015

Zang Trai

Zang Trai falls on the 3rd day of the Navreh. On this day all the Kashmiri Pandit Women visit their parental house as a ritual and on their return their parents give them salt and atghat (some money) as a token of prosperity and good omen.
Zang Trai is associated with the first unit of ascent in the Shakti tradition of Kashmir, Known as Vagbhava koot. The nine days of Navaratra are divided in "Three units of deliberation", the First Deliberation is revered as the Vagbhava Koot, the source of Vaakh Parampara (tradition) in Kashmir. The Rishikaas (wives of Sapta Rishis) would hold their own deliberations for their spiritual enlightenment and social awareness. This type of socio-spiritual gathering was convened by the parents of the Rishikas. A wonderful social interaction and respect for daughters is seen in this deliberation.
The Devi Kavacham also establishes that Zang/Jangha in Sanskrit is the abode of Sarva Kaama Pradayini Devi. Here Kaama means the inner recesses of the heart filled with love and dedication. 

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