Thursday, April 30, 2015

Hindutva In The 21st Century

The rise of Hindutva may prove to be the most important phenomenon of the 21st century. It is therefore of great importance to understand its meaning and implication.
India is unique as a civilization that embodies spiritual values reflecting its overriding concern for Dharma— or justice and righteous code of conduct. Of late, some politicians and intellectuals are holding up something they call ‘secularism’ as the foundation of the Indian nation. But secularism is a negative concept. All it originally meant is the negation of any role for organized religion, particularly intolerant and exclusivist religious beliefs, in the government. The same people deny also any role for India’s spiritual tradition (Sanatana Dharma) in national life. This is a deeply flawed vision, for secularism can never define a nation. United States, France and Germany are secular in the true sense of the word: their Governments are independent of religion. But that alone has not made them a single nation. What defines a nation is shared history and tradition. In the case of India, this role is played by the Hindu Civilization founded on Sanatana Dharma. Hindutva is its present-day ideological offshoot.
The term Hindutva was coined by Veer Savarkar— a man who suffered more for the country than almost any other leader. Many scholars, including Savarkar have tried to define Hindutva, but none so far is entirely satisfactory. This is because they begin with some assumptions about Hinduism and the land or the territory where it has historically flourished. This territory can of course change. A thousand years ago, Hinduism was flourishing in Afghanistan but not today. In contrast, it has now extended its reach into parts of America, which was not the case a hundred or even fifty years ago.
At the same time Hinduism is increasing in importance both nationally and internationally, with the ideology known as Hindutva gaining ground in India and abroad. There will soon be a time when Hindutva will define India as a nation, just as democracy defines the United States. It is therefore of great importance for everyone to have a clear idea of what Hindutva really stands for. For this, we must first understand what Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma stands for. This can be difficult because Hinduism embodies a state of mind and a way of looking at the world and not just beliefs and rules prescribed in a book as in the case of Western religions. The problem is compounded by the fact that for several centuries, Hinduism has been described by forces basically hostile to its spiritual aspirations and the civilization it has given rise to. The same is true of Hindutva. As I next describe, Hindutva is not tied to any sect or religious group— though it draws its inspiration from India’s ancient heritage.
What is Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma?
First we need to understand Hinduism, more properly called ‘Sanatana Dharma’. It is not a creed like Christianity or Islam, but a code of conduct and a value system that has spiritual freedom as its core.Any pathway or spiritual vision that accepts the spiritual freedom of others may be considered part of Sanatana Dharma. Let us try to understand the essentials of this value system and the associated vision that form the core of Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism.This is the foundation of Hindutva.
First and foremost, Sanatana Dharma is anadi (without beginning) and also a-paurusheya (without a human founder). It is defined by the quest for cosmic truth, just as the quest for physical truth defines science. Its earliest record is the Rigveda, which is the record of ancient sages who by whatever means tried to learn the truth about the universe, in relations to Man’s place in relation to the cosmos. They saw nature — including all living and non-living things — as part of the same cosmic equation, and as pervaded by a higher consciousness. This search has no historical beginning; nor does it have a historical founder. This is not to say that the Rigveda always existed as a literary work. It means that we cannot point to a particular time or person in history and say: ‘Before this man spoke, what is in the Rigveda did not exist.’ On the other hand, we can say this about Christianity and Islam, because they are historical religions.
Sanatana Dharma is also a-paurusheya, which means it did not originate in any man (purusha). That is to say it has no historical founder like Christianity has Jesus and Islam has Prophet Muhammad. We can say that Jesus is the purusha of Christianity while Muhammad is the purusha of Islam. These religions have no existence without their founders.
Christianity and Islam are therefore paurusheya.Hinduism has no such purusha on whose authority it rests. Hinduism is a-paurusheya also in a deeper sense, which brings it close to science, bringing its spiritual quest close to the scientific method. In paurusheya religions, the word of the purusha (the founder) must be accepted without question, and that no one else can achieve what he did. This gives rise to an enforcing authority known as the clergy to ensure that no one strays from the ‘true path’ as shown by the founder, but in reality as enforced by the human representative who claims to be the true spokesman of the purusha. This naturally leads to men exercising power in the name of God. In this scheme, the medium invariably becomes more important than God and truth.
Hinduism on the other hand acknowledges no such authority. If any work is considered great, it is because of the message and not the messenger. Similarly, a teacher is considered great because of the greatness of the teaching. For example, Vishwamitra is considered a great sage because of the greatness of the Gayatri Mantra, which he enunciated. If someone else than Vishwamitra had given us the Gayatri Mantra, it would still be considered great because of its message. It is the same with Krishna and the Gita. It is the message of the Gita that has led to people revering Krishna as a great teacher. Also, a Hindu is free to question or reject any part or all of a religious work. The teaching must stand or fall on its own merit. This is what makes it a-paurusheya. Cosmic truths existed before the arrival of Vishwamitra and Krishna. These sages, who first expressed them, were historical persons but the truth of their message is eternal and always existed.
This feature— of focusing on the message and its truth rather than the authority of the messenger brings Sanatana Dharma close to science and the scientific method. In science also, a principle or a theory must stand or fall on its own merit and not on the authority of anyone. If Newton and Einstein are considered great scientists, it is because of the power and validity of their scientific theories. In that sense, science is also a-paurusheya. Gravitation and Relativity are eternal laws of nature that existed long before Newton and Einstein. These are cosmic laws that happened to be discovered by scientific sages Newton and Einstein. Their greatness as sages lies in the fact that they discovered and revealed great scientific truths. But no one invokes Newton or Einstein as authority to ‘prove’ the truth of laws of nature. They stand on their own merit. The same is true of the Gita and the Gayatri Mantra.
In addition to these, Hinduism recognizes the freedom of the individual. It recognizes no prophet’s claim as the possessor of the ‘only’ truth or the ‘only’ way. This is probably the greatest difference between Sanatana Dharma and revealed religions. I can illustrate this with the help of a recent proclamation by the Vatican. In a just released document titled ‘Declaration of Lord Jesus‘ the Vatican proclaims non-Christians to be in a ‘gravely deficient situation’ and that even non-Catholic churches have ‘defects‘ because they do not acknowledge the primacy of the Pope. This of course means that the Vatican refuses to acknowledge the spiritual right (and freedom) of non-Catholics. This consigns non-Christians to hell, and the only way they can save themselves is by becoming Christians, preferably Catholics, by submitting to the Pope.
It is worth noting that this statement has nothing to do with God, or even noble conduct. A Hindu who lives a life of virtue is still consigned to hell because he refuses to acknowledge Jesus as the only savior and the Pope as his representative on earth. A believer is one who accepts the intermediary as the savior. God is irrelevant. He is even dispensable, but not the intermediary. Hinduism recognizes no intermediary as the exclusive messenger of God. In fact the Rigveda itself says: ‘ekam sat, vipra bahuda vadanti,’ meaning ‘universal truth is one, but the wise express it in many ways.
From this it is also clear why revealed religions always claim to be monotheistic: One God allows only One Intermediary. So every monotheistic religion also tends to be monopolistic. It also requires a thought police to enforce this belief system, just as every earthly dictator does. So they invariably become theocratic political systems. In contrast, in Hinduism, God is internal to the seeker. As a result each seeker has his or his own version of God. Different traditions like Dvaita, Advaita and others represent different pathways. They exercise no authority and there is no clergy to enforce belief.
This spirit of freedom is the foundation of Hindutva. Where the twentieth century was dominated by the materialist ideology of Communism, this century will see Hindutva founded on spirituality on the rise. Its rise will accompany the ecological catastrophe that is likely to overtake our planet. Ecology is not my concern in this essay, important though it is, and a topic to which Hinduism attaches great importance. In politics, Hindutva is the application of this principle of spiritual freedom to national life.
Hinduism and spiritual freedom
India is the land where Sanatana Dharma took root and flourished. So whatever her present condition, the rise of Hindutva in India will have a major impact on the history and politics of this century. It is therefore of fundamental importance to understand it role in the growth of the Indian nation. It is a uniquely spiritual ideology founded on spiritual freedom. In the light of this, ‘conversion’ to Hinduism entails accepting a way of looking at the world and not simply changing faith and adopting a new mode of worship. Above all it means acknowledging spiritual freedom and rejecting exclusivism.
It is like accepting the scientific method, which also is a way of looking at the world. But ultimately, every Hindu must place truth and knowledge above faith. There is no dogma. This is why people who are initiated into Hinduism are made to recite the Gayatri Mantra, which is an assertion of this spirit of intellectual freedom. The only enemies of Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism) are those that oppose spiritual freedom. Protecting and nurturing Sanatana Dharma and the society founded on it is the responsibility of Hindutva. Rights like spiritual freedom come with responsibility.
India’s unity is of untold antiquity
After a long and dark period in its history, Hinduism is again on the rise. This is true in the national as well as the spiritual sense, for India cannot exist without its spiritual foundation. There are many Western scholars as well as Western educated Indians who hold that India was never a nation but only a collection of clans and groups in a geographical ‘subcontinent’. They further claim that Indians were united as a people for first time by the British. This has two fallacies. First, the British did not rule over a united India. Their authority extended over roughly two-thirds of India while the remaining portion was ruled by hereditary rulers — like the Maharajas and Nawabs — who acknowledged the British monarch as their chief but ruled according to their own laws and tradition. This means it is not India per se, but British India that was not a nation, but a patchwork or states. Second, although often politically divided, the goal was always to unite all of India under a single rule.
In spite of this history, it was claimed by the British, and faithfully repeated by the Leftist intellectuals, that the British unified India. This is completely false. The unity of India, rooted in her ancient culture, is of untold antiquity. It may have been divided at various times into smaller kingdoms, but the goal was always to be united under a ‘Chakravartin’ or a ‘Samrat’. There was always a cultural unity even when it was politically divided. This cultural unity was seriously damaged during the Medieval period, when India was engaged in a struggle for survival — like what is happening in Kashmir today. Going back thousands of years, India had been united under a single ruler many times. The earliest recorded emperor of India was Bharata, the son of Shakuntala and Dushyanta, but there were several others. I give below some examples from the Aitareya Brahmana.
‘With this great anointing of Indra, Dirghatamas Mamateya anointed Bharata Daushanti.    Therefore, Bharata Daushanti went round the earth completely, conquering on every side and offered the horse in sacrifice.’
 ‘With this great anointing of Indra, Tura Kavasheya anointed JanamejayaParikshita. Therefore JanamejayaParikshita went round the earth completely, conquering on every side and offered the horse in sacrifice.’
There are similar statements about Sudasa Paijavana anointed by Vasistha, Anga anointed by Udamaya Atreya, Durmukha Pancala anointed by Brihadukta and Atyarati Janampati anointed by Vasistha Satyahavya. Atyarati, though not born a king, became an emperor and went on to conquer even the Uttara Kuru or the modern Sinkiang and Turkestan that lie north of Kashmir. There are others also mentioned in the Shatapatha Brahmana and also the Mahabharata. This shows that the unity of India is an ancient concept.
As previously noted, the British did not rule over a unified India. Far from it, for their goal was divide and rule. They had treaties with the rulers of hereditary kingdoms like Mysore, Kashmir, Hyderabad and others that were more or less independent. The person who united all these was Sardar Patel, not the British. But this unification was possible only because India is culturally one. Pakistan, with no such identity or cultural unity, is falling apart.
The spiritual tradition of Sanatana Dharma, which we call Hinduism, includes the code of Raja Dharma and Kshatra Dharma needed to defend the nation. This is also part of Hindutva. This is needed to defend society against hostile forces seeking to destroy society, especially its spiritual foundation. This is what happened during the medieval period when Islamic warriors tried to uproot Hinduism from its soil. But thanks to the heroism of both rulers and the common people, Hindutva defeated these forces and saved Sanatana Dharma. It is now being called upon to defend again in the face of cries of Jihad by fanatics across the border and intellectuals and politicians hostile to the concept of nationalism. It is therefore of paramount importance to understand what the role of Hindutva is in defending the country. This is what we need to look at next.
Kshatra Dharma is everyone’s duty
While Hinduism (or Sanatana Dharma) provides and nourishes spiritual freedom, there are always hostile forces at work that want to destroy this freedom and turn humans into intellectual and spiritual slaves. So it is always necessary to have the tools — both physical and intellectual — to protect this freedom. This part of Sanatana Dharma is called kshatra dharma. Those engaged in the defense of Sanatana Dharma are called kshatriyas. Politics, like warfare calls for the kshatriya spirit— to protect the weak and uphold values like freedom.
kshatriya does not always fight with weapons. The intellect is as important as the sword and the gun. As Sri Aurobindo put it:
We should be absolutely unsparing in our attack on whatever obstructs the growth of the nation, and never be afraid to call a spade a spade. Excessive good nature will never do… in serious politics. Respect of persons must give way to truth and conscience… What India needs especially at this moment is aggressive virtues, the spirit of soaring idealism, bold creation, fearless resistance, courageous attack; of the passive tamasic inertia we already have too much.
His words still hold today. It was this ‘tamasic inertia’ as Sri Aurobindo called it that gave rise to endless appeasement of evil in the name of ahimsa— or nonviolence. (In Sanskrit, ‘tamas’ means darkness or ignorance.) Evil must always be resisted, not appeased. Intellectually, this calls for taking and defending unpopular positions. A kshatriya must do it.
Without this kshatriya spirit, a noble ideal like Sanatana Dharma becomes an orphan. This is what happened in India a thousand years ago. Excessive wealth and attachment to pleasure sapped its strength. Soldiers were willing to lay down their lives in defending the land, but intellectuals failed to analyze the new destructive ideology that came in the guise of religion. As Allaudin Khalji’s general Malik Kafur ravaged South India, our acharyas sat in the seclusion of their monasteries and wrote commentaries upon abstruse commentaries. There were noble exceptions. Sayana, the greatest Vedic scholar of the age, and his brother the great Vidyaranya helped Harihara and Bukka found the empire of Vijayangara. They too were Kshatriyas but fighting without weapons. They used their mind as weapons— like Krishna in the Mahabharata War.
Physical and intellectual weapons are both necessary. As Sri Aurobindo wrote:
‘The sword of the warrior is as necessary to the fulfillment of justice and righteousness as the holiness of the saint. Ramdas is not complete without Shivaji. To maintain justice and to prevent the strong from despoiling, and the weak from being oppressed is the function for which the Kshatriya was created. Therefore, says Krishna in the Mahabharata, God created battle and armour, the sword, the bow and the dagger.’
Resisting evil does not simply mean fighting invaders and other foreign enemies. There are internal evils also — lack of education, discrimination on the basis of caste, untouchability, rampant corruption — that should also be seen as enemies to freedom that must be destroyed. This is the case in India today. At the same time, in a time of national crisis, everyone has to become a kshatriya of one kind or another. Scientists have to work on new weapons to defeat the enemy. Similarly, businesses and workers must create whatever is necessary to defend the nation. Everyone must contribute to the defense of society, and not just depend on the ruling class and the professional soldier.
This is what people had to do during the medieval period when Hindu society was struggling for survival against the onslaught of Islam. In fact, many of what we call backward and scheduled castes and tribes were created out of the fighting classes when they were dispossessed by the invading armies. As the renowned medieval historian K.S. Lal has written:
The Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, Dalits and Other Backward Castes are there in large numbers in present-day India. Many backward classes were there from pre-historic or very ancient times, but many more were added in the medieval period spanning over a thousand years… As we put the record straight, we find that the small and scattered class of trained and traditional warriors, mostly Rajputs, stood exhausted by the time of the Mughal invasion, having fought the earlier invaders at every step for well nigh eight centuries — from the middle of the seventh to the end of the fifteenth.
The leadership of Hindu resistance to Muslim rule thereafter was provided by what are termed the Backwards Castes and the Dalits in present-day India. These classes had fought earlier under the leadership of Rajput Rajas and Zamindars. Now onwards they took up the leadership on themselves, and battled with the Moghul regime till the latter stood shattered by the middle of the eighteenth century. It is a different story that in the process the Backward Castes and the Dalits suffered grievously and found themselves in bad shape by the time the Islamic nightmare was over.’
This shows that the people we call Dalits— the Scheduled castes and tribes have made a major contribution to defending India and Sanatana Dharma. It is no accident that many such tribal clans still carry names lake ‘Nayaka’, ‘Raja’ and ‘Dorai’ that bear testimony to their previous station as warriors and defenders of the land. (History books should bring out and highlight this forgotten chapter in history.) This was so even in ancient times. In times of crisis and oppression, it was the duty of everyone, regardless of position to fight to uproot evil and defend society. This is the reason that the sage Parashurama became a warrior to end the tyranny of the Haihaya king Kartaviryarjuna.
Hindutva leads to spiritual nationalism
Hindutva therefore is an outgrowth of Sanatana Dharma as well as an essential part of it. Its main goal is to serve, defend and nurture Sanatana Dharma. It is not an aggressive or imperialistic ideology. It seeks to destroy no one except those that want to destroy spiritual freedom, i.e., enemies of Sanatana Dharma. It is no accident that the Hindus have never sent armies of missionaries to convert others. It is important to note that ‘dharma’ does not mean religion or creed or sect, but a way of life, a code and a body of knowledge. Sanatana Dharma is this body of knowledge acquired through the ages by sages, rulers and the common people.
And for India to rise again and find its place in the world, it must rediscover the message of its ancient sages. When Sanatana Dharma was going through a crisis like the present one, and leaders had lost their nerve, in the Bhagavadgita Sri Krishna gave the message to Arjuna:
I taught this timeless Yoga to Vivasvan, who taught it to Manu. Manu bequeathed it to Ikshvaku. This ancient wisdom transmitted through generations of royal sages became lost in the tides of time. I have taught you, my best disciple, this best and most mystical knowledge.’
Observe the importance Krishna attaches to the ‘royal sages’ or members of the ruling class. This wisdom became lost again in the darkness of the medieval age when India and her civilization were struggling for survival. Then other sages arose — from Vidyaranya and Ramdas to Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo — to lead India out of the darkness. All were sages, but they were also kshatriyas in the intellectual field. They fought hostile forces — both soldiers and propagandists like missionaries — with uncompromising force of the spirit and intellect. To inspire this struggle, Sri Aurobindo defined Indian nationalism in spiritual terms. He expressed it in public in his famous Uttarapara speech:
‘It is this dharma that I am raising up before the world, it is this that I have perfected and developed through the Rishis, saints and Avatars, and is now going forth to do my work among the nations… When therefore it is said that India shall rise, it is Sanatana Dharma that shall rise. When it is said that India shall be great, it is Sanatana Dharma that shall be great. When it is said that India shall expand and extend itself, it is Sanatana Dharma that shall expand and extend itself all over the world. It is for the Dharma and by the Dharma that India exists… I say no longer that nationalism is a creed, a religion, a faith; I say that it is the Sanatana Dharma which for us is the nationalism.’
So the message is clear. India and Sanatana Dharma exist for each other. Sanatana Dharma is Indian nationalism and Indian nationalism is Sanatana Dharma. Hindutva is the practical and political manifestation of Sanatana Dharma. It exists to defend Sanatana Dharma, while threatening no one. This was the India that Sri Aurobindo and many other sages dreamed about. It should also the dream and goal of every nationalist and leader, and everyone who holds spiritual freedom dear— regardless of race, creed or national origin.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Hinduism growing in Africa without proselytizing

While Islam and Christianity flourished in the world converting millions to their faiths either by force, fraudulent means or by conviction, Hindusim is the only way of spiritual life that has never indulged in these activities. Winning people by love, compassion and commitment the Hindu pioneers who reached unknown corners of the world enriched the respective faiths of the people living there and attracted them towards the Hindu way of life.
Same process seems to be happening now in African nations where Hindus have influenced the life of local people. Hinduism has become the fastest growing religion in Ghana and no one is involved in the business of converting anyone.
Today, there are 2,000 to 3,000 families worshipping all over the country which is a big increase from the 24 people who participated in the first-ever training camp in 1976 to become disciples. We have not achieved this through the winning of souls as other religions do, but have attracted people into the practice of Hinduism simply by the lives we lead. Our lives shine in the community to attract people.
Ghana’s 24 million population is primarily Christian (70%) and second most prevalent religious group is the Muslims. In an interesting paper ‘Returning to Our Spiritual Roots’: African Hindus in Ghana Negotiating Religious Space and Identity’ by Rev. Abamfo Ofori Atiemo, the writer discusses the spread of Hinduism and the form that it will take as it spreads and adapts to the local culture and historical milieu. Here is the abstract from his paper:
“Hinduism, in its contemporary transnational form, has been widely noted as a phenomenon present in America, Europe and other parts of the world, including Africa, especially, East and South Africa. Discussions of the phenomenon with regard to Africa have, generally, focused on the Indian Diaspora. However, the developments that occurred in the 19th and the 20th Centuries, which resulted in the growth and spread of Hinduism through its reform movements in India and the Western world, also affected West Africa. The impact of these developments was not restricted to Indian migrants in the region; it extended to the indigenous Africans as well.
“In Ghana, for example, there are indigenous Africans who identify with Hinduism, professing and practising it as their own religion. Several Hindu movements have been established in the country. They include the Divine Life Society, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), Brahma Kumaris and Sri Satya Sai Baba. There are also movements of Buddhist and Sikh origins such as the Maha Bodhi, Nichiren Shoshu, the Soka Gakkai and Guru Nanak. The presence of these traditions has significantly changed the religious landscape of the country. Previously, the religious space was occupied by only three traditions – the indigenous religions, Christianity and Islam”.
All the movements of Asian origins have, to different degrees of success, attracted indigenous Ghanaians. The Hindu groups appear the most successful. For example, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness(ISKCON) has established a number of branches, and runs a basic school that is well-patronised by both Hindus and non-Hindus.
There is also a Hindu Monastery of Africa (HMA), headed by an African Swami, who studied Vedanta at the Forest Academy of the Shivananda Ashram in Rishikesh, India. The latter has established more than seven branches throughout the country and two other branches in neighbouring Togo and the Ivory Coast. In 2010, it was reckoned that there were more than twenty thousand Hindus in Ghana, out which a little over two thousand were Indian migrants.
In this paper, I examine the phenomenon of the ‘African Hindu’ within the context of current discussions about the so-called ‘neo-Hinduism’ and ‘transnational Hinduism.’ I also discuss how these African Hindus resort to a reinterpretation of the history of their traditional religion and culture, in their attempt to find religious space in the almost choked religious environment of Ghana and, also, how they attempt to negotiate their new religious identity in relation to their identity as Africans (Ghanaians).
I conclude with a prognosis of the form that Hinduism is likely to assume in the near future on Ghanaian soil as its African converts attempt to live their faith in the context of their local culture.
Here is a celebration and chanting of “Aum Namah Shivaya” in Ghana.

Monday, April 27, 2015

The unknown story of Govardhan Parvat

The story of Govardhan
The story of Govardhan mountain is a moving one. It's a story that shows the power of devotion and also how the concept of sentiency is not limited to humans only.
The scene of building the bridge
In the Ramayana, the scene was that Rama's army had to cross the ocean. They were building a bridge by throwing stones. Nala and Nila had this curse (boon) that stones thrown by them will not drown.
Need of stones
The whole army of monkeys and bears were transporting mountains and boulders from across India to replenish the supply.
Stones no more needed
As the bridge got completed, a word was sent to the whole transportation chain that they could drop whatever they were carrying wherever they presently were.
Govardhan was also on its way
It's said that this mountain plucked from the Himalayas was traveling with high hopes that it will be used in a just cause and Lord Rama himself will bless him. However, as destiny would have it, it was dropped because more stones were not needed.
The devotee felt left out
Govardhan mountain started lamenting that why it was left out--why to pluck it from the original place if it were not to be used?
It was a strange occurrence
Without doubt, it was a strange occurrence and not many could believe that a mountain would lament. They were surprised and amused.
The word reached Lord Rama
The incident was related to Lord Rama and his counsel was sought. Lord Rama was pleased with the devotion of Govardhan and he sent his assurance that he will bless him.
Govardhan got his blessings in the next avatar
As we know the story, in the next avatar, Lord Krishna held the mountain on his little finger to save the whole village from Indra's wrath.
This was the same mountain
Govardhan was the same mountain who had lamented that it could not be used by Lord. But Lord, out of his infinite compassion, does not disappoint his devotees. He blesses them with appropriate opportunities.
God gives to them who seek
One lesson from this incident people tend to get is that you have speak, ask and tell it to God what really you want. You will get it of course based on your own sincerity.
There were others too
To give credit to the devotion of Govardhan mountain, I will say that it is dependent on your own feelings. There were other stones and boulders too. But only he felt left out. And what a reward he got!
Every thing is full of life
One prominent lesson we get from this incident is that we should not call some things as sentient while other as non-sentient. In God's creation, everything is full of life.
Govardhan is etched in history
The one who has true feelings in his heart gets the due reward in due time. God does not overlook anybody, be it a human being or a rock.

Should we be afraid of Lord Shani

Does Shani Trouble Us?
This is Kaliyuga! These modern times are filled with sin and unchastity. And in this unchaste era, people are chasing amenities like internet, television, airplanes, trains, computers and so on, in pursuit of happiness! However, happiness and peace are going further and further away from man.
Happiness and Peace
In this melee, people in India often blame Shani for their troubles. Shani is Saturn, the planet which shows no mercy for sins committed. No wonder, people seem to guess who is holding the stick!
Why fear Shani?
People seem to be more afraid of Shani than of the punishment he metes out. But, contrary to mass opinion, Shani may be more easily pleased than he would have you believe. The truth is that by his apparent strict behaviour, he is only controlling further bad behavior, in addition to freeing them of the burden of sin.
How devotion to Shani helps
In fact, expressing one’s devotion to Lord Shani helps to solve all problems pertaining to the body, family, society, mind, finances and occupation.
The spectre of Saade Saathi
One of the foremost reasons why Shani is feared is “Sade Saathi” – or the seven-year (not itch) period of suffering. Sade Saathi is also known by the names Shanichari, Musibathi, Aafath, etc. The moment one’s astrological chart foretells the arrival of this scary period, one goes into a defeatist mode! This is because Saade Saathi has the reputation of being a tough time, when everything seems to go wrong!
Many times in a lifetime
Saade Saathi appears more than once in every person’s lifetime. It is identifiable as the phase when nothing goes right and terrible misfortunes strike. You either cannot get married or have marital problems; you either lose a job or lose interest in working; and so on.
Ups and downs of life
Every planet is attributed with a special role. Happiness and sorrow play hide and seek in a man's life. In some people's lives, there is more happiness as there is more unhappiness in some people's lives. The attaining of 'moksha' is the ultimate goal of a man's life.
Astro charts
In the astro-charts of many astrological texts planet Shani has been given the place of the planet of sorrow. This may be true only up to an extent and in certain aspects. It is shown that Shani, soon after his birth, showed a glimpse of his nature to his father, Surya. Shani creates Sade Saathi because he symbolises righteousness and justice and makes people pay for their karma.
Movement of planets
Sade Saathi lasts a period of 7-and-a-half years. Shani takes 30 years to traverse all the 12 planets. He stays 2 and ½ years in one 'rasi' or sun sign. When the planet, aspects the lord of the house, then the good benefits are derived. In the garland of planets, God Shani is called 'Chaya Martand'.
Chaya Graha
When 'Chaya Grah' the star passes through a house, that star sign's previous star's sign and the next star sign is troubled. That is 'Chaya Grah'. This belief is accepted in Sade Saathi. When Shani passes through the 12th house of the birth chart for the second time, then it is called as Sade Saathi.
The 3 Houses
Shani stays in a house for 2 and ½ years. This way, God Shani's transit through 3 houses is called Sade Saathi. (2 and ½ x 3= 7and ½). Therefore, this patch of 7and1/2 years is known to bring suffering, sorrows and misfortune. This is known by people as Sade Saathi.
Moon Sign
In the birth chart of the moon sign, when there is Shani behind and ahead, till then, it is called Sade Saathi. In the normal course, the effects of Sade Saathi are common to all creatures. Then, whether they are saints, commoners, great people, spiritualists, Gods or godly people, all have the same effect on them. Whether it is King Veer Vikramaditya or Nala Damayanti or people of all kinds, the effect of it is the same on all.
Rasi and Saade Saathi
Whichever Rasi has Sade Saathi, on that day's previous Rasi when Shani is upon it, then it is called Ascendant Sade Saathi. Ascendant Sade Saathi for some in the middle and for some in the end as Descendant Sade Saathi is favourable.
Any Solution?
Any solution sought for Shani during Sade Saathi has minimal effect. It is as if the period has to be undergone. But once one has walked through this trial of fire, there are very good times waiting for us. That’s how fair Shani is. So, in effect, Shani is healping us eran the rewards by making us suffer for our own bad karmas.
3 parts
As per astrology, Shani's Sade Saathi is understood in three parts. One is from Lagna, the other is from Moon and the third is from Sun.
Once every 30 years
Over a period of thirty years, every chart is affected by Sade Saathi once, whether he is a lion or a king. Sade Saathi touches every birth chart. The Moon's aspected Sade Saathi is accepted in north India. In the chart, where the moon is seen one house before and one house after, till then there will be the effect of Shani. For example, till Aries and Taurus , there will be the effect of Sade Saathi.
Misery like no other
In Sade Saathi,a great deal of misery, trouble, fearsome disease, excess sorrow, loss of money, blame, insult, illness, imprisonment etc are undergone. By taking the help of 'Vedic Vidhi' and the mantras, penance etc the fearful effects of Sade Saathi can be reduced, but only marginally. In brief, Sade Saathi or seven and half years of God Shani put the normal life of man into great distress.
Pronounced Saade Saathi
This is the direct result of Sade Saathi that normal, ongoing work comes to a stand still. The desire of students to study goes away. And people who are looking for a job go further on and on in this quest. In the birth chart, if Shani is exalted, powerfully placed then the Sade Saathi will be that much more pronounced. Which means, there will be a great loss of wealth.
King as well as pauper
Both kings as well as paupers experience Sade Saathi. Raja Harishchandra, though troubled by this phase in his legendary life, did not abandon the truth till the end. Only then, was Shani pleased. Indeed, Shani restored to him his throne and gave him progeny and wealth.
How to survive the ordeal?
The best way to survive Sade Saathi is to turn inwards, pray and discover one’s inner reserves of strength. The role of Shani is only to cleanse us of our sins and bring us closer to the Divine. There are not only spiritual rewards, but material rewards too waiting for us after the ordeal is over.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Markandeya – The one who conquered death

A devotee of Shiva
There once lived a sage called as Mrikandu. He and his wife Marudvati were strong devotees of Lord Shiva. They were very happy singing the songs of the Lord and sharing his stories everywhere. However, the two of them had a regret: They did not have any children.
A severe penance
Therefore, the sage and his wife decided to perform severe penances to win the favour of Lord Shiva. Finally, pleased with their penances, Lord Shiva appeared before them. “Mrikandu, Marudvati, open your eyes!” said the three-eyed God.
A meeting with Shiva
Mrikandu and Marudvati opened their eyes and were stunned to see the handsome Lord Shiva standing before them. 'You have come...Lord', Mrikandu whispered, as both of them immediately fell on the Lord's feet, unable to contain themselves…
A wish for a child
Lord Shiva rejoiced to see the devotion in the couple’s eyes. Smiling at them, he spoke: “I am very pleased with your penance! I wish to grant you a boon. What do you desire, tell me, Mrikandu and Marudvati?” Marudvati looked at the Lord with a smile in her face. 'Lord, all I want is a child...' She looked at her husband, who looked at her encouragingly, 'Lord...' she continued, 'I wish for a child who is blessed by you...'
A special kind of child
Lord Shiva remained silent for a few minutes, considering something. He then looked at the two of them, 'What sort of a child do you want?' Mrikandu and Marudvati looked at each other, puzzled. What sort of question was that? They both turned and looked at Shiva, waiting for him to explain.
A Gifted one or a Foolish one?
Lord Shiva continued, 'What I meant was that, do you wish for a gifted child or a foolish child?' Mrikandu and Marudvati still did not speak, their confusion increasing. What sort of a person would choose a foolish child. Realising that there was a catch somewhere, Mrikandu spoke slowly, 'I do not understand, my Lord.'
An uneasy choice
Lord Shiva said plainly: “Do you wish for a gifted child with a short lifespan, or a foolish child who would live a very long life?” Mrikandu and Marudvati looked at each other with troubled eyes. They realised that this was some sort of a test for them and that they had to make a choice!
Lord and Sage
Marudvati looked at her husband and remembered how they had prayed for a child. She turned at looked at the Lord. 'Lord, I wish for a gifted child with a short lifespan' she said. She then turned to her husband, who was looking at her alarmed. She nodded her head, 'It is okay. We will be happy with him for as long as he is with us…”
In agreement
Mrikandu realised the truth in her words and turned towards Lord Shiva, nodding his head in agreement. The two of them then fell at Lord Shiva's feet. Lord Shiva then blessed them and without another word, vanished.
A Gifted Child
In time, Marudvati gave birth to a boy. The couple named the child Markandeya. Markandeya was a very gifted child. He learnt all the Vedas and the scriptures very fast. He also loved his parents very much. Having observed his parents since his childhood, Markandeya too became a staunch devotee of Lord Shiva. He loved singing bhajans for Lord Shiva and would lose himself singing and thinking about the Lord.
Something’s not right
However, being a very intelligent child, Markandeya sensed that his parents were unhappy about something. No matter how hard he tried, his parents remained unhappy. They seemed to put on a happy face when he was around, but deep inside, he could sense their sorrow.
The sixteenth birthday
Finally, on the eve of his sixteenth birthday, Markandeya talked to his parents. “Father, why do you always look so sad? I mean...have I done something to make you so unhappy?” Hearing these words, Mrikandu looked horrified that his son could even think like that, 'We love you, son. You have made us so proud...You are everything that a parent would want in their child...' Mrikandu said, with a bittersweet tone in his voice. Marudvati too broke down crying, 'No...No...How could you even think we are unhappy with you?”
A secret sorrow
Markandeya looked at his parents silently, waiting for an answer. Mrikandu and Marudvati looked at each other, each hesitating to tell Markandeya what their secret sorrow was. Finally, Marudvati broke the silence.
The burden of love
Marudvati began: '…We got you as a boon from Lord Shiva...' Slowly, with the help of Mrikandu, she told her sons the entire story. Markandeya heard them patiently and did not interrupt until both his parents had finished. He felt sorry for his parents. They had loved and nourished him while carrying a secret burden, knowing that they were going to lose him...He looked at them proudly. Yes, they were the bravest people he knew.
Destinies can change
Markandeya was, however, not worried. He knew his parents had changed their destiny and got him as a child. With a knowing smile that changing destinies was nothing new to their family, Markandeya looked at his parents lovingly.
Faith in the Lord
“Father, Mother...Please do not be worried. I will pray to the Lord...” Markandeya said with steely determination. “I am sure the Lord will not let anything happen to me...” His parents could not help but feel optimistic when they heard the words of the boy. Mrikandu hugged his son and blessed him. “Go on son! I am sure you will overcome whatever comes in your way.” Marudvati also blessed her son.
The power of prayer
Armed with the blessings of his parents, Markandeya immediately sets out. He reaches the sea-shore and feels peace seeping into him. “If I am to meet my end, I want it to be here...” he thinks, and sitting down on the seashore, lovingly builds a Shiva Linga there. After building a Shiva linga, Markandeya begins praying to his beloved god.
Yama sends emissaries
Meanwhile, Yama - the god of Death – realising that Markandeya's time on earth was up, sends two emissaries to collect Markandeya's soul.
Deep in Meditation
However, by the time they reach Markandeya’s side, he was so deep in meditation that a strange fierce light emerged from him. The light from him was burning so bright that the servants of Yama could not get close to him. Try as they might, they could not approach him.
Yama informed
Facing failure, the emissaries return crestfallen to their Master. “Master, we could not approach him. There was something coming from him. Something very bright...” The servants shook their head, “It was so bright that it almost burnt us...”
Yama approaches
Yama nodded, 'It is okay. I will take care of this…' Yama then picks up his noose and sits on his buffalo and approaches Markandeya. Yama realises that Markandeya has led a pure and good life, which was the aura protecting him.
God of Death
But Yama being the God of Death, good man or not, nobody can escape him when their time is up. Yama then made himself visible. “Markandeya,” Yama spoke in his deep voice, “your time on earth is up...” Markandeya then opened his eyes and looked at Yama. However, there was no fear in his eyes on seeing the lord of death. Looking at Yama in the eye, Markandeya says, “I will not go with you...My Lord will protect me...”
Yama argues
Yama says, “Your time on earth is up. I have come to take you...” Markandeya, however, shakes his head and hugs the Shiva Linga tightly. Realising that he had no choice, Yama threw his noose around Markandeya's neck to pull out his soul. Unfortunately Yama's noose fell around both Markandeya and the linga. Markandeya closed his eyes tightly, saying “ Save me, my Lord...”
Linga Moves
Markandeya was surprised to feel the linga moving. He opened his eyes in astonishment. Markandeya is thrilled to see the three-eyed Lord before him. His wish had, indeed, been fulfilled. He had seen Lord Shiva now... Markandeya suddenly felt like as if he was inside a protective shield. Nothing could hurt him now...not even death!
Shiva to the rescue
Shiva then raised his trident and pointed it at Yama, who had dropped the noose and backed away in fright. Yama tried dodging the trident, but the weapon pierced his chest. He falls down dead. Imagine - the Lord of Death himself dead!
Devas rush to the scene
Immediately, Lord Indra and other Devas appear on the scene, before Lord Shiva, who was still glaring at Yama. Lord Indra looked at peaceful face of Markandeya with astonishment. The boy had done what no one had done before. Indra turned and bowed to Lord Shiva, 'Lord Shiva...We need to have a Lord of Death... Without death, there would be no balance on earth...People would continue to be born and never die. That is not the way of life. Life is not meant to be this way. Please Lord...Give Yama his life back. So that the balance of life can be restored...' Indra said, pointing to the dead form of Yama.
Shiva agrees
Hearing Indra's words, Lord Shiva was pacified. He nodded slowly, 'Yes...Yama shall have his life back, if...Markandeya is spared...Markandeya will live forever. He will be the one who has conquered death...' The Devas realised that this was a fair deal and accepted the condition.
Yama returns empty-handed
Yama opens his eyes as the wound in his chest healed. Yama looked at Markandeya, smiled and disappeared from there. Markandeya then falls at the feet of Lord Shiva, 'Lord, I want nothing more, I have seen you.'
Shiva blesses Markandeya
Lord Shiva smiles, “Go back to your parents, Markandeya. Look after them for their entire life. You will remain 16 for all eternity” Markandeya goes back to his parents, who are overjoyed to learn of their son’s fate.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Vastu Dosha and Fish aquarium

A home built as per Vastu guidelines as well as things arranged keeping the Vastu principles in mind, not only invite good luck but also brings along wealth and prosperity. However, following Vastu doctrines is not always possible or, to put it simply, it is highly impractical! But fret no more, as a fish aquarium is an excellent remedy for any Vastu related problem. Read on to know more.
Vedic technology
Vastu, the Vedic technology is a realistic and results oriented theory, which is used to have a flourishing and good lifestyle. It is considered that the issues in one's life are due to lack of proper Vastu. Various Vastu problems can be settled successfully with quicker results. Looking for the help of a Vastu advisor will releive you away from all the conditions which range from prosperity, health to economical and others.
Vastu and Solution
As described earlier, every object and space/direction in a house is associated with Vastu and where there is a faulty Vastu, there are generally issues. In such cases, Vastu experts have suggested a few signs for a Vastu defect. According to Vastu experts, having a fish aquarium inside the dwelling is considered a good remedy for any kind of Vastu doshas. Not just a dwelling but also for a workplace, school, shops, manufacturer and other living places can have an fish aquarium to remove the vastu doshas.
For Vastu Dosha
There are numerous benefits of having a fish aquarium. Let’s discover the benefits of having a fish aquarium to fight Vastu Doshas:
Benefit 1
Helps to free your home from all evils and maintains a relaxing, positive atmosphere.
Benefit 2
It is also considered that as the fish dies in the aquarium naturally so does your problem at house or office too.
Benefit 3
This is one of the best ways to entice the power of prosperity.
Benefit 4
It relaxes your mind and creates a calm atmosphere inside the house or office.
Benefit 5
One of the concepts of humankind is that every human being is exposed to protect and feed animals. To maintain this idea, fish are one of the best creatures to be kept and taken care of.
Benefit 6
If you are seeing issues in your home and anticipate that this is a result of vastu dosha, then placing fish aquarium is one of the best options. It may also help in curing finance related issues.
Benefit 7
Vastu experts believe that providing a fish can add up to your good karma and consequently you will be totally exempted from evils at your home.
Benefit 8
Attractive decorative fishes, which are vibrant, usually entice everyone's attention. These kind of fishes are quite effective almost the whole day and encourages the viewer. Moreover, if you notice these fish for a while, you will be totally exempted from all the problems.
Benefit 9
One of the major benefits of having a fish aquarium is to vary the jinx of a guest/visitor from the whole home to the aquarium. The negative energies, which are created all over the home, can be modified by looking at the vibrant eye-catching fishes. This in turn generates positive energy around.
Benefit 10
According to the Feng Shui, the fast activity/movement of the fish in the tank improves the positive energy in a home which is called as “Chi”.
Benefit 11
Placing an aquarium is irrespective of any religion i.e. persons with any religion can place an aquarium and get benefitted in the same manner.
Good Luck to You!
These are the advices that Vastu experts recommend. It is entirely your choice. I too have an aquarium at my home, not for Vastu but just because it bring positivity in life. Good Luck to you all!!

9 golden words of Swami Vivekananda

Lessons from the Swami’s life
Swami Vivekananda’s life is full of lessons for all of us. No wonder, he continues to be a youth icon even today…let’s revisit 10 of the greatest words spoken by Swamiji.
Quote 1
“Anything that makes you weak - physically, intellectually and spiritually - reject it as poison!”
Quote 2
“Talk to yourself at least once a day…otherwise, you may miss a meeting with an excellent person!”
Quote 3
“Relationships are more important than life, but it’s important for those relationships to have life in them!”
Quote 4
“You have to grow from the inside out. No one can teach you, no one can make you spiritual. There’s no other teacher but your own soul.”
Quote 5
“Like me, or Hate me - both are in my favour. If you like me, I am in your heart, if you hate me, I am in your mind.”
Quote 6
“By the study of different religions, we find that - in essence - they are one.”
Quote 7
“Where can we go to find God if we cannot see Him in our own hearts and in every living being!”
Quote 8
“Fill the brain with high thoughts and the highest ideals. Place them day and night before you. Out of that will come great work!”
Quote 9
“Who(ever) is helping you, don’t forget them. Who(ever) is loving you, don’t hate them. Who(ever) is believing you, don’t cheat them.

Tale behind how Jalandhar was killed by Lord Shiva

The Real Tale
Once upon a time, Lord Indra was going to Kailash mountain to meet Lord Shiva along with sage Brihaspati. Lord Shiva came to know about their arrival and wanted to test Indra’s devotion towards himself.
Indra meets Shiva
So, Lord Shiva met them on their way disguised as a hermit. But Indra did not recognise Lord Shiva. Indra inquired as to who he was and where he lived. Lord Shiva sat quietly without replying to his question. Indra asked him again and again, but Lord Shiva did not reply. Indra became angry and tried to attack Lord Shiva with his vajra (sword).
Divine Power
Lord Shiva, in turn, paralysed the hands of Indra using his divine power. Shiva's eyes turned to red with anger, which frightened Indra. Sage Brihaspati immediately realised that the hermit was none other than Lord Shiva.
Indra pardoned
The sage appealed to Lord Shiva that he should pardon Indra. Lord Shiva indeed became pleased and diverted the power of his open third eye to the sea. Then, Lord Shiva went back to Kailash mountain, and Indra and sage Brihaspati returned back to their own spheres.
A child born of flames
Meanwhjile, the heat from Shiva’s third eye, which was transferred to the sea, resulted in the manifestation of a small child. As soon as he was born, the child began to cry so loudly that all around, fear was created. The deities and sages approached Lord Brahma to seek help, who in turn assured them of a solution.
Child named Jalandhar
Lord Brahma then went to the seashore to check out the child. The sea placed the child in his lap and asked him what name should be given to the unique child. Just then, the child pressed Lord Brahma's neck with such force that tears rolled down from his eyes. For this reason, Brahma named the child “Jalandhar”, according to one legend.
King of demons
Lord Brahma told the sea that the child would become king of the demons and no deity would be able to kill him except Shiva himself. After Lord Brahma returned to his abode, the sea took care of the child.
Vrinda and Jalandhar
Jalandhar grew up and married Vrinda, the daughter of Kalnemi. Later, he became king of the demons. One day, sage Bhrigu came to meet Jalandhar. Jalandhar asked him who had severed the head of Rahu. Sage Bhrigu then told him about Hiranyakashipu, the maternal uncle of Rahu.
Rahu’s head
Sage Bhrigu also told him about Virochana - the son of the mighty king Bali. He also narrated the story of the churning of the ocean and how ambrosia emerged from the churning. He told him how Rahu's head was severed by Lord Vishnu while Rahu was sitting among the deities when ambrosia was being distributed to all the deities.
An angry Jalandhar
Jalandhar became angry after hearing this tale. He sent one of his messengers, named Ghasmar, to Indra - to ask him why he took all the wealth of his father, the sea, which emerged during the churning of the sea.
Warning to Indra
Jalandhar also instructed Ghasmar to warn Indra about dire consequences unless he took refuge. Indra sent back Ghasmar without any specific assurance and this made Jalandhar even more angry and he attacked Indra with his army.
A fierce battle
A fierce battle was fought between the armies of Jalandhar and dieties and many warriors died from both sides. Shukracharya, the guru of the demons, brought back the dead warriors from the demon side back to life with his Mritasanjivani Vidya.
Drongiri mountain
Sage Brihaspati brought back the dead warriors from the deities side back to life with the help of medicinal herbs. When Shukracharya saw that sage Brihaspati was also successfully making the dead deities alive, he instructed Jalandhar to submerge the Drongiri mountain into the sea so that it became impossible for Brihaspati to get the medicinal herbs by the help of which he made the dead deities alive.
Lakshmi and Jalandhar
Jalandhar submerged the Drongiri mountain into the sea and the deities became demoralised and fled from the battlefield. Jalandhar thus captured Swargaloka. Then deities went to Lord Vishnu and asked for his help. Lord Vishnu agreed to help them, but Goddess Lakshmi considered Jalandhar as her brother because both of them originated from the sea.
Plea for Jalandhar
She asked Lord Vishnu not to kill Jalandhar. Lord Vishnu promised her that he would not kill Jalandhar and he went to fight a battle against Jalandhar. A fierce battle was fought between Lord Vishnu and Jalandhar, which remained indecisive till the end. Lord Vishnu became very much impressed by the valiance of Jalandhar and asked him to demand any boon he liked.
Jalandhar requested him to make Ksheersagar (sea of milk) the abode of Jalandhar along with his sister Goddess Lakshmi. Lord Vishnu agreed to fulfil his wish and started living in Ksheersagar along with his consort Lakshmi. Being undefeated even by Lord Vishnu, Jalandhar became the ruler of all the three worlds. All his subjects were satisfied by his virtuous rule except the deities.
Defeating Jalandhar
Then deities prayed to Lord Shiva to seek his help in defeating Jalandhar. According to the wish of lord Shiva, Sage Narada came to meet the deities. The deities narrated their woeful tales to him. Sage Narada went to meet Jalandhar and received a grand reception by Jalandhar, which pleased him very much.
Narada’s praise
Narada praised the splendours and prosperity of Jalandhar but said that it was nothing in comparison to Shiva's splendours. Narada told him that inspite of all his authority and splendours, his prosperity was still incomplete, as he did not have a consort. Jalandhar asked him where could he find his consort.
Parvati as his consort
Narada told Jalandhar to make Parvati his consort and Jalandhar fell into Narada's trap. He sent Rahu to Lord Shiva with a proposal to part from Parvati. Rahu went to Lord Shiva and demanded Parvati, which made Lord Shiva very angry. His anger resulted in the creation of a ferocious creature, which ran towards Rahu to devour him.
Rahu was clueless
Rahu had no option but to take the refuge of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva protected the life of Rahu. The hungry creature asked Lord Shiva as to what should he eat to satisfy his hunger. Lord Shiva instructed him to devour his own limbs.
Devouring its own limbs
The creative followed his instructions and devoured his limbs. Lord Shiva was very pleased by his sense of obedience. He thus blessed him saying that he too would be worshipped along with him.
Jalandhar attacks Kailash
Rahu then went back to Jalandhar and narrated the whole thing to him. Jalandhar launched an attack on Kailash mountain with his army. A fierce battle was fought between the Shiva-ganas and the demons. When Jalandhar realised that Lord Shiva had begun to dominate the battle, he created beautiful Apsaras and Gandharvas.
Apsaras cast their spell
By his magical powers to divert the attention of Lord Shiva and his ganas. Lord Shiva and his ganas became enchanted by the beauty of the apsaras. They stopped fighting and started watching their dance and music.
Disguised as Lord Shiva
In the meantime, Jalandhar went to Parvati disguised as Lord Shiva, but was recognised by her. Being enchanted by the beauty of goddess Parvati, he looked at her with evil intention, but was immobilised by her wrath. Goddess Parvati then went to Lord Vishnu and narrated the whole tale.
Vishnu and Jalandhar
Parvati requested Lord Vishnu to go to Jalandhar's wife in the guise of Jalandhar and act in the same way. With the help of his divine powers, Lord Vishnu created many inauspicious dreams while Vrinda was asleep. Vrinda became very restless and when the anxieties become unbearable, she proceeded towards the forest.
Vrinda goes to the forest
Vrinda saw a hermit in the forest who was preaching to his disciples. The hermit was none other than Lord Vishnu. She went to that hermit and prayed to save her husband's life. Lord Vishnu disappeared from the there and reappeared in the guise of Jalandhar, but Vrinda was unable to recognise the real identity of her husband. She was very pleased after finding her husband. Both of them stayed in that very forest as husband and wife for a very long time.
Vrinda curses Vishnu
One day, she came to know about the real identity of the person who was acting as her husband. Realizing that her chastity has been breached, she cursed Lord Vishnu that just as he had cheated her, in the same way somebody would abduct his wife and he too would wander in her search.
Vrinda jumps into fire
After cursing Lord Vishnu, Vrinda ends her life by entering into a fire. On the other side, after the departure of Parvati from Kailash mountain and after the illusionary powers created by Jalandhar had ended, all the apsaras and gandharvas vanish.
Demons Shumbh and Nishumbh
Shiva realised that whatever he was watching, was nothing more than illusion. Lord Shiva resumed his battle. The demons Shumbh and Nishumbh came forward to fight with him, but ultimately, they had to flee from the battlefield. Then, Jalandhar arrived to fight with Lord Shiva.
Fierce battle
A fierce battle commenced between them. Lord Shiva severed the head of Jalandhar using his chakra, which had been created from his toe. After his death, Jalandhar's soul united with Lord Shiva. Then dieties came to Lord Shiva and praised him. Lord Vishnu was very much saddened by the death of Vrinda. He took the ashes from the pyre and after applying them on his body started wondering here and there. The deities became very worried to see the condition of Lord Vishnu.
Deities approach Goddess Parvati
They went to Lord Shiva and requested him to eliminate the false attachment with which Sri Vishnu was suffering. Lord Shiva sent the deities to Goddess Parvati, saying that she would help in this regard. The deities go to Goddess Parvati and pray to her.
Assistance of Goddess Lakshmi and Saraswati
She became very pleased and with the assistance of Goddess Lakshmi and Saraswati, gave some seeds to them. The deities sprayed those seeds on the pyre, on which Vrinda had given up her life. Three holy plants manifested from that pyre - Amla, Tulsi and Malti. Later on, Tulsi and Malti attained Vishnuloka by the virtue of their penance.