shrI Aditya hRdaya stotram
atha AdityahRdayam
And now, the essence of the Sun Deity, Aditya
tato yuddha parishrAntaM samare chintayA sthitam
chAgrato dRShTvA yuddhAya samupasthitam II 1 II
And then, looking at Lord Rama, who was tired
in the battle field, and who was deep in thought of how to defeat Ravana,
daivataishcha samAgamya draShTu mabhyAgato
rAmam agastyo bhagavAn RShiH II 2 II
by all the deities who have come to see the war, Sage agastya approached Rama,
and spoke thus
rAma mahA bAho shRNu guhyaM sanAtanam
sarvAnarIn vatsa samare vijayiShyasi II 3 II
Oh Rama, listen to this eternal secret which
will help you destroy all your enemies in the battlefield.
hRdayaM puNyaM sarva shatru vinAshanam
japennityam akShayaM paramaM shivam II 4 II
Chanting this holy hymn which is the essence, or
the heart, of the Sun, will result in the destruction of all enemies and bring
you victory.
mangala mAngalyaM sarva pApa praNAshanam
shoka prashamanaM Ayur vardhanamuttamam II 5 II
This hymn provides all prosperity and
auspiciousness. It destroys all sins, removes all anxiety and worries, enhances
health and provides longevity.
mantaM samudyantaM devAsura namaskRtam
vivasvantaM bhAskaraM bhuvaneshvaram II 6 II
the One, who is filled with brightness, who rises up in the sky and is
venerated by dEvAs and asurAs. Worship that bright lord who rules over the
Sarva devAtmako hyeSha tejasvI
rashmi bhAvanaH
devAsura gaNAN llokAn pAti gabhastibhiH II 7 II
He is the representative of all dEvAs. He is
self-luminous and sustains all with his rays. He nourishes and energizes the
inhabitants of all the worlds.
eSha brahmA cha viShNushcha shivaH
skandaH prajApatiH
dhanadaH kAlo yamaH somo hyapAM patiH II 8 II
represents Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Skanda and Prajapati. He is also the
representative of Mahendra, kubera, kala, yama, soma and varuna.
pitaro vasavaH sAdhyA hyashvinau
maruto manuH
vahniH prajA prANa RtukartA prabhAkaraH II 9 II
He is the ancestor of all, including Vasus,
Sadhyas, Ashwins, Maruts and Manu. He is the Wind (Vayu) and the Fire (Vahni),
and resides as the Prana of his offsprings, prajA; He is the creator of
different Seasons, RtukartA.
AdityaH savitA sUryaH khagaH pUShA
sadRsho bhAnur hiraNyaretA divAkaraH II 10 II
He is aditya, the son of Aditi; savitA,
creator of the universe; sUryaH provider of energy and khagaH, traverser of
skies. He is the sustainer with a golden hued brilliance, and is the creator of
the day.
haridashvaH sahasrArchiH sapta saptir
shambhu stvaShTA mArtANDa aMshumAn II 11 II
Thousands of Light Rays come out of Him. He
rides on a cart drawn by Reddish-Yellow Horses; He removes the Darkness and
makes us Joyful; He floats across the Sky like a huge Bird (Martanda), the Bird
of Light.
hiraNya garbhaH shishira stapano
bhAskaro raviH
garbhoaditeH putraH shankhaH shishira nAshanaH II 12 II
He is the primordial Being. He ushers in the
Day, provides heat and removes lethary. He is fire wombed, and is the son of
Vyoma nAtha stamo bhedI Rg yajuHsAma pAragaH
vRShTi rapAM mitro vindhya vIthI plavangamaH II 13 II
is the Lord of vyOma, space; and the dispeller of darkness, tamas. He is the
Master of all the vedas, and is a friend of the waters, causing rainfaill. He
flies effortlessly even across the holy vindhya mountains.
maNDalI mRtyuH pingalaH sarva tApanaH
vishvo mahA tejAH raktaH sarva bhavod bhavaH II 14 II
His circular formis full of Heat, causes
destruction and is of copper colour. He heats up everything with his fiery
energy, Red in colour, giving rise to this entire existence.
graha tArANAm adhipo vishva bhAvanaH
tejasvI dvAdashAtman namoastu te II 15 II
He is the lord of stars and all celestial
objects. He is the origin of everything in the universe and is the cause of the
lustre of even the brilliant ones. I bow down to you, who is being manifest in
twelve different forms, as dvAdasha Adityas.
pUrvAya giraye pashchimAyAdraye namaH
pataye dinAdhipataye namaH II 16 II
bow down to you, towards the hills in the east and the mountains in the west. I
bow down to the Lord of the stellar bodies and the Lord of the Day.
jayAya jaya bhadrAya haryashvAya
namo namaH
namaH sahasrAMsho AdityAya namo namaH II 17 II
bow down to the one who brings victory and is the very embodiment of it. I bow
down to the one riding on yellow horses, which are the thousands of rays of
nama ugrAya vIrAya sArangAya namo
Padma prabodhAya mArtANDAya namo namaH II 18 II
bow down to the fierce and the valorous one, the one that travels fast. I bow
down to Sun god, whose emergence makes the lotus blossom.
brahmeshAnAchyuteshAya sUryAyAditya varchase
sarva bhakShAya raudrAya vapuShe namaH II 19 II
bow down to the Lord of Brahma, shiva and Achyuta. I bow down to the power and
the radiance of the Sun, that both illuminates and devours. I bow down to the
being who has a fierce appearance of Rudra.
tamoghnAya himaghnAya shatrughnAyA
devAya jyotiShAM pataye namaH II 20 II
I bow down to the one who dispels darkness,
drives away all fear, and destroys all enemies. I bow down to the one who
destroys the ungrateful and to the Lord of all bodies of light.
chAmIkarAbhAya vahnaye vishva karmaNe
nighnAya ruchaye loka sAkShiNe II 21 II
I bow down to the Lord shining like molten
gold, to the fire the makes up the entire universe, the destroyer of darkness
and the witness of all worlds.
nAshayatyeSha vai bhUtaM tadeva
sRjati prabhuH
tapatyeSha varShatyeSha gabhastibhiH II 22 II
He is of course the one destroying the Beings,
and the one who is creating them. He drinks the water through His Rays by
heating it up, and again showers it back down onto the earth from the skies.
eSha supteShu jAgarti bhUteShu
pari niShThitaH
evAgni hotraM cha phalaM chaivAgni hotriNAm II 23 II
is the one who is still awake in the living beings even when they are asleep.
He is both the sacrificial fire and the fruit enjoyed by the worshippers.
vedAshcha kratavashchaiva kratUnAM
phalameva cha
kRtyAni lokeShu sarva eSha raviH prabhuH II 24 II
He is himself the embodiment of all the vedas, the practices mentioned in them and the fruits obtained by performing these practices. He is infact what is manifest as all kinds of actions in this world.
phala shrutiH
The benefits of chanting this stotram.
Apatsu kRchChreShu kAntAreShu bhayeShu cha
puruShaH kashchin nAvasIdati rAghava II 25 II
If one recites this hymn in times of danger,
during disease, when one is lost, or in fear; O Rama, that person will never
pUjayasvaina mekAgro deva devaM
triguNitaM japtvA yuddheShu vijayiShyasi II 26 II
O Rama, Worship the sun deity with a single
pointed focus. He is the ultimate deity and the lord of the world. Recite this
hymn thrice and you will win this battle.
Asmin kShaNe mahA bAho rAvaNaM
tvaM vadhiShyasi
tadAagastyo jagAma cha yathAgatam II 27 II
O Rama, you shall now vanquish Ravana at this
very moment. And having spoken thus sage agastya went back the way he came.
mahA tejA naShTa shokoa bhavattadA
suprIto rAghavaH prayatAtmavAn II 28 II
After having heard this Lord Rama, of great
splendour, was freed from his sorrow. He regained his focus and became
AdityaM prekShya japtvA tu paraM
shuchir bhUtvA dhanu rAdAya vIryavAn II 29 II
He then purified himself, gathered his weapons,
gazed at the sun and chanted this stotram thrice. This instantly filled him
with joy.
rAvaNaM prekShya hRShTAtmA
yuddhAya samupAgamat
yatnena mahatA vadhe tasya dhRtoa bhavat II 30 II
a pleasant interiority, he got ready for war. He made a resolution to vanquish
Ravana at all cost!
atha ravi ravadannirIkShya rAmaM
manAH paramaM prahRShyamANaH
chara pati sankShayaM viditvA
madhyagato vachastvareti II 31 II
The Sun deity, from amidst the group of gods,
gazed pleasantly upon the joyful Rama. Knowing that the end of Ravana was near,
he blessed Rama wth a quick victory.
iti Aditya hRdayaM
Thus is the praise of The essence of The Sun.
Ādityahṛudayam is a Hindu devotional hymn dedicated to Āditya or Sūrya (the Sun God) found in the Yuddha Kānda (6.105) of Vālmīki's Rāmāyana. It was recited by the sage Agastya to Rāma in the battlefield before fighting with the Rakshasa king Rāvaṇa. In it, Agastya teaches Rāma the procedure of worshiping Āditya (for strength ) to defeat the enemy.